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Cara Ubah Judul Blogspot dibelakang judul Postingan

secara umum google hanya memprioritaskan 64 karakter terdepan dari judul blog (robot google menganggap spasi sebagai sebuah karakter).
jika judul blog anda terdiri dari 10 karakter, maka jika model judul blog seperti pada gambar contoh 2 , maka tentu akan kehilangan banyak keyword utama, dan pastinya akan melemahkan posisi blog anda saat bersaingan dengan blog lain untuk memperebutkan posisi 10 besr SERP.

Jika ingin mencoba membuat judul blog seo friendly bisa lakukan prosedur berikut :

1. Login ke blogger , di Dashboard pilih Rancangan - Edit HTML - Centang Expand Widget Template

2. Cari Kode berikut :


Untuk template yang lain, biasanya kodenya seperti berikut :


3. Hapus Kode diatas dan ganti dengan kode berikut :

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'> <title><data:blog.title/></title> <b:else/> <title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title> </b:if>

4. Kemudian simpan template

5. Jika berhasil maka saat membuka postingan akan terlihat di title bar browser mozilla letak judul blog berada di belakang judul postingan.

How to Optimize Blog For Top Ranking in Search Engine

The following article is my adoption of web blog , why do I rewrite this article here is solely because of the benefits that I feel in getting over 3000 Unique Visitors in 1 Month less since 26 jan 2013 or from the website The 2012 Online in internet.Namun not only there I developed this article with other important info following my experiences that I wrote in the search engines optimization explanation , please continue reading. From the evaluation results and polls that have Aura Share live there is only one course of the 10 people who think that the expertise (Search Engine Optimization) is something that must be owned by a blogger or owner usaha.Sangat shocking is not less than 24% do not even know what exactly it is optimization! when my friend was included in half people who do not know whether it is SEO? or find out

how much it can help my friend, I convinced my friend very, very loyal required ini.Karena reading this article is " Tips on Becoming a Champion Contest Best Search Engine Optimization "for a loyal friend who would like to learn how to Quick Login ways Optimization Blog Top 10 Search Engines please read this article until selesai.Didalam this article I will try to explain some of the common mistakes that are often made ​​by the bloggers and developers, then after that I will present a few basic tips to buddy try to practice for optimize weblog so lovable pal Search Engines like Google , Yahoo, Bing etc. Why buddies Search Engine Optimization should learn? very important for us to optimize and become our responsibility, because sobatlah which makes the structure of the site, especially behind all the beauty contained the masterpiece of design and content of the original content buddy, that's where there are many rules that must be faithful pal ikuti.Demi sole purpose of getting a high number of visitors and has a List of Qualified referrals Hundreds of Back Links sites of others who refer your internet page by way of laying links that point to your site sobat.Jika artificial sites are not friendly to Search Engines, you can actually lose traffic visitors, because besides Visitors (visitors) to type the address "" and backlink referrals, search engines was one- the only way that leads people to find your site, even without asking sekalipun.semua mate would be more helpful if my friend wanted to read Benefits Definition Seo and Seo Step Right Running With True Tedapat many advantages of having a website with a number of very high visitor traffic. Just an example, site has a composition of visitors continues to grow every day, and it turns out only 15% are type the url directly in the browser, the remaining 15% comes from referrals and 70% backlink coming from Search Engine, which means as much as 70% every month is a potential new visitors Kami.Bayangkan only if no reference from the Search Engine, then we will lose hundreds of thousands of daily pegunjung. That also means it will be a very high risk losing potential clients for business purposes We, as a site ranking will be appreciated from the values ​​given by google (Google Page Rank) and Alexa Traffic Rank. optimization means also is a value-added service.

As a designer / developer you can sell your SEO skills as a special service to your client. part Basic: How Do Search Engines Work? how search engines work Free Classifieds Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Web DesignerPertama of all, let's look together how do I work "crawlers" are owned by the Search Engines. Each Search Engine has its own automatic program is called "Spider" or "crawlers". Their task was to browse, read and collect the content (the site), and then follow all the links that exist (either the link of the site itself as well as links from other sites / external which are mapped to our site). Spider then accumulate all the information that he got into a database called the Search Engine index. Nah, then when typing an information search keywords (queries) in the input box disebuah Search Engine, then the search engine will look for and find the most relevant results from the word- keyword is searched that information seekers and of course the information displayed on the search results (Searc Result) is not directly seek to sites around the world at that time, but the Search Engines to retrieve data from the database search results that have been obtained on the index earlier, that's why the search is conducted by the Search Engines can be so fast that only a fraction of a second for each keyword that you are looking for. Tip: Every crawlers or spiders to index the entire process domain sites around the world in a different time, could so it made ​​up for weeks ahead, and therefore there are times when our site position for a particular keyword always changing, example up on 26 August before Eid sites always appear first on with keywords (keyword) "Eid card design" it is possible because I made ​​a page with articles on Scatter Ad Free Blogger far-away days before the month of fasting arrived so early this website will be indexed by Search Engines and considered the most unique views of contents and relefansinya, consequently the site traffic increased by 300% from the first week of launching, not really profitable. The point of my tips above is you have to be sensitive (timing) to be a niche market that taste you. " Learn from SEO Guru fact that Google, MSN and Yahoo From all Articles, Tutorials, Tips and Tricks and many references studying Optimization I guarantee you 100% this is the best teacher pal, pal shall learn directly from the master

actually Optimization, why? yes obviously it is they who make the rules and formulas Optimization, and there you will find a variety of guides to be a webmaster in order to maximize search results in SE. you can find direct links to the individual search engines are here: Apparently No Mystery Optimization ! in Google, MSN and Yahoo Your job is For Search Engine Optimizer jobs Optimization Search Engine Optimization Secrets Guide to Web Search Engines DesignerSetiap algorithm or concept itself has to judge a page on the site. By way of understanding the general factors that affect the algorithm, it means it can also affect your position in search results performed by prospective visitors. This is the main objective Optimization expert optimasi.Pekerjaan has two aspects: On-site and Off-site. On-site optimization: something buddy buddy at the Site shall fix its own as an example: HTML markups, targeted keywords, internal linking, site structure, and others. Off-site optimization: is anything less able to control my friend like, how banyakah backlinks (links from other sites that point to your website) you get and how the people menungujungi your site, whether direct typing , whether from advertising, whether from Search Engines, whether from e-mail, referrals, etc.. Note: "Free SEO on this article has site.Sedangkan emphasis to aspects of On-Off-site key is if my friend do your job properly and design beautiful websites then always serve content useful site for people then you will automatically get the Off-site backlinks and social bookmarks without you shaking your finger though. " Optimization Biggest Mistakes Made by Designers and Developers Splash Page For my web designer often see this error, when someone just put a banner (advertising / image) were great with a direct link to the homepage (front page) the site. The worst thing is the phrase "enter" link in the design by way of planting / merge (embed) into a Flash animation object, which of course would make things impossible for the Spiders follow links created tersebut.Hal this certainly does not mean anything if my friend does not care about whether search engines will recognize your site or not, but still, you made ​​a big mistake. Because usually Homepage is the highest ranked page on your site and get the most frequent visits by Spiders.Sedangkan crawl other pages contained within the structure will not affect the site mate into the Search Engine index structure without a clear link from the homepage Spider traced. In conclusion your homepage must contain (at least) the target keywords and links to the important pages in the content of the site mate. Tip: "That's why the homepage of a site more written keimbang home.php index.php or index.html or default.php because basically homepage will contain the index (collection) short links (preiview) to fill important pages in it, the most obvious example you can easily see on the first page of a newspaper or newspapers, there will surely there are pieces of the short story kehalaman leading news content in particular, is not complete? You can do it on your site which can be a way to put a collection of links such as Blog Archives, Recent Post, Related Articel, Related Downloads, Top 10 Online Download, etc. ". fact or Button Flash Menu is Non-spiderable (not ter-Spider) Many designers make this mistake, which is using a lot of animated Flash menus or buttons on artificial sites, such as fade-in style techniques sophisticated roll-over. I'm sure it will look cool for my friend, but one thing is for sure, such a technique would not be "seen" at all by the Search Engine, more severe all links in the Flash menu will not be followed by the Search Engine Spiders. Image and Flash Content Basically Spiders love text-based sites, they can not read text embedded in images into a graphic, photo or Flash. Designer that makes a lot of mistakes this by combining a very important content (such as target keywords) in Flash and image. Tips: "In my daily life too busy with teaching activities on campus LP3I Tasikmalaya, besides I do share his knowledge with students in the subject of Graphic Design & Photo Editing, I was also mandated to hold courses Graphic Animation (Adobe Flash), the problem is I always remind my students when making a full flash website, also provide a link to display its HTML version (the best is on the page index and the menu bar at the top), a work that is frustrating indeed, but for the purpose of SEO is we have to do it, and the result is spider will index the entire content of the website is a plus!! its advantages are also presented two kinds of visitors to the website attractive force " excessive use of Ajax facilities Most web developers are always trying to satisfy his website visitors by placing excessive Ajax facilities (usually for the purpose of navigation), but did you know that optimization is a big mistake? Because Ajax content is always invoked dynamically (directly to the website), meaning this is not traceable by Spider which means also not indexed by Search Engines. Versions Theme Design By some reason, some Web Designers love to make version of the theme for their site into sub level folders (example: like,, example) and when it was made ​​a new version v5 suppose then all previous versions will be redirected into the new folder v5 earlier (so that when visitors type the url to the 1-4 version will be directly routed directly to the new version 5). This technique will directly result in the migration of the main root locations that cause you to lose backlink counts and ranking pages that have been stored in the database Search Engine earlier. namely due to broken link. Detail Link Anchor Text You'll often see a link with the words like the example above, usually in the form of link button is used to continue writing a page headlines to a more complete article on the topic in the headlines, examples of the use of anchor text links can be my friend see the headline article this.This site is very nice if my friend wanted to

grab the attention of Visitors and get high page rank with the writings of "Click Here" / "Click here" / "Read more" / "Details". But if my friend wanted to show to the Search Engine that my friend created a page is an important page for the topic, then use topic / keywords in the link anchor text. it is becoming a more positive value if you enter the word "learn more about {keyword or topic}" or "read more about {keyword or topic}" or "{see details about the keyword or topic}", etc.. Warning: Do not Never use the same words for each anchor text on the entire contents of the site mate, sometimes it is even often considered a spam by the search engines. Tips: "In my experience, when looking at the search results that appear on Google atapun Search Engines like Yahoo, my friend can see that the format that appears is a page in the Title Tag pal website, then the page content related to the keywords typed information seekers, and the last the page url, and therefore I recommend that my friend would prefer to use the title of the news article or as link to news detail later, because it will have a higher rank than the use of the example above "so I created this article may be useful, and if there is a lack of what I've Aura Share here can be realized into science and engineering refinement Quick Blog Optimization in Big 10 Search Engine

Internet Download Manager App in INDIA , Price, Buy, Download

IDM (Internet Download Manager) is a tool that can increase the speed, when we want to download a file on the internet. Software and a choice of the most appropriate or serve as Download Accelerator Download Manager.

Internet Download Manager course is required and can be a major priority of a computer to install this software. And this is perfect for you to download a file or your favorite songs through the site 4shared .

This software can work with the maximum and better than other software, because of the dynamic features in the split files being downloaded. And then file it into several separate parts and then put back together after the download is complete.

Excess free software IDM can increase download speeds up to a performance by 5-fold and supports all browsers including Mozilla Firefox , Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firebird, MSN Explorer, AOL, Netscape, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and other popular browsers.2013/2014

Best Antivirus in India for Windows 7 / 8 PC, Mac

Best Antivirus is very necessary for us to avoid computer infected with viruses or such thing most unwelcome if our computer is infected with a disease like this.

This virus can strike without desired by our own, they are able to destroy some data or files in your computer hard drive. Even sometimes some software that we install are damaged or do not function properly.

To overcome this we need a deterrent or antivirus is best so that our computers are not easily infected with the virus name. Certainly does not taste good if we had some computer problems caused by viruses.

This virus is very stubborn and will easily spread if we just let the virus. It would be very nice if we pair our anti-virus in your computer, in addition to ward off the virus will go into the computer anti virus can also solve hardware problems that have been infected by the virus.

There are many antivirus which can be obtained from various software providers website. Anti-virus can be obtained also by paid or free. Software for pay is very powerful to overcome the virus, but also to free cap no less good.

Best Antivirus in Indonesia

Smadav 2014 /13.11
antivirus SmadAV is native to Indonesia made ​​a very powerful way to counteract local viruses roaming in Indonesia. Antivirus SmadAV only intended to eradicate the local viruses, so much so that the maximum should be in the mix with the antivirus products overseas.

The World's Best Anti Virus

BitDefender is an antivirus software that can be used for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X (beta), Windows Mobile, and Symbian OS FreeBSD. Antivirus Birdefender divided into 2 types include: paid licensed and licensed free.

AVG is an antivirus program which is constrained by AVG Technologies. Excess of antivirus AVG antivirus from another is the LinkScanner. The benefits of LinkScanner scans links link time exploring the virtual world. LinkScanner play well in the browser Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

Avast! is an antivirus program made ​​in the Czech Republic and was developed by Alwil Software. Avast Antivirus was released in 1988 and is now very proven powerful enough to handle a stubborn virus attacks.

Lab Kaspersky is a well-known company in the field of antivirus software, based in Moscow, Russia. In 1997 the company was formed by Natalia Kasperskaya and establish a partnership with Eugene Kaspersky. Kaspersky Lab currently offers several products, such as anti-spyware, anti-spam, and anti-virus.

Avira GmbH is a company engaged in the manufacture of antivirus software, based in Germany. His first product was first launched in 1988 named Luke Filewalker commonly called H + BEDV Datentechnik GmbH.

FUNGSI Hardware Komputer/ Laptop

Menurut wikipedia perangkat keras komputer atau hardware adalah perangkat pada komputer yang berbentuk fisik (dapat disentuh). Perangkat komputer sendiri dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak istilah asingnya yaitu Hardware (perangkat keras) dan Software (Perangkat lunak). Harware sendiri berfungsi dengan baik dikarenakan adanya software sebagai sistem yang menjalankanya.

Agar proses pembelajaran mengenai komputer lebih terarah adapun pengelompokan harware agar lebih mudah sesuai dengan fungsinya pada komputer. Berikut ini pengelompokan perangkat keras komputer agar lebih mudah dipahami:

1. Input Device : Perangkat input / masukan
2. Process Device : Perangkat yang menjalankan proses sistem komputer
3. Output Device : Perangkat output / keluaran, menghubungkan sistem keluar
4. Storage Device : Perangkat untuk menyimpan

Berikut ini adalah penjelasan lebih lengkap masing-masing pengelompokan tersebut:


Input device merupakan perangkat komputer yang memiliki fungsi sebagai input atau masukan, baik itu perintah maupun koneksi kedalam sistem komputer. Ada beberapa perangkat yang masuk kategori input device, diantaranya adalah:

Keyboard : berfungsi untuk mengetik huruf an angka serta perintah pada komputer
Mouse : berfungsi untuk menjalankan perintah klik kiri dan klik kanan, menggerakkan pointer, serta menjalankan perintah dengan klik
Touchpad : Touchpad berfungsi layaknya mouse, touchpad ini biasanya sebagai pengganti mouse dan biasa di jumpai pada laptop.
Masih banyak lagi perangkat lainya seperti joystik, scanner, voice recognizer, dan lain-lain.


Perangkat ini merupakan perangkat yang berhubungan dengan fungsi pemrosesan dalam komputer itu sendiri.

CPU / Processor : merupakan singkatan dari central processing unit atau yang juga dikenal dengan istilah processor adalah bagian terpenting yang menjalankan sistem komputer. Bisa di ibaratkan sebagai otak pada komputer.
Memori / RAM (random access Memory) :  Memori merupakan perangkat yang menyimpan proses kinerja komputer untuk sementara. Sehingga membuat pengaksesan data yang sama lebih cepat. Maka dari itu RAM besar berpegaruh pada kecepatan komputer.
Motherboard :  Merupakan perangkat yang menghubungkan perangkat keras komputer antara satu dan yang lain.
VGA Card (Video Graphic Array) : Biasa juga disebut kartu grafis yang berfugsi untuk memberikan tampilan berkualitas pada layar komputer. Biasanya setiap mainbord sudah memiliki VGA bawaan, namun untuk kualitas beresolusi tinggi yang jernih VGA Card sangat diperlukan.
Power Supply:  berfungsi untuk menghantarkan aruslistrik sebagai pengontrol besarnya voltasi yang masuk ke komputer.
Casing Unit: Merupakan tempat dimana semua perangkat disatukan.

Best Antivirus 2014 /13 Review, Score, Trial, Download

lenosoft - Antivirus is very important to protect your computer from virus attacks or programs that are not in want. Each antivirus has its advantages and disadvantages of each. By possessing antiviral accurate then penggua computer will not have to worry about valuable data on the computer. As a candidate users find it useful to see how your antivirus to be used for computer. Here is the best antivirus on bebagai aspect was tested capability by members.

BitDefender Antivirus Plus. 2013 /2014
Antivirus this one so many times in one position. According to BitDefender protection business toptenreviews Plus get a 100% score achieved.

Kaspersky AntiVirus 2013
Antivirus also be reliable and easy once found in Indonesia. Kaspersky is currently being intensively with various media Promoted. According to Kaspersky antivirus protection toptenreviews this get score to 92%.

Norton Antivirus Pro 2013
Norton Antivirus has many users and performance is quite stable. According to the site's terms of antivirus protection toptenreview get the 92%.

F-Secure Antivirus 2013
Antivirus this one can be said to be new players. But make no mistake in terms of protection according to toptenreviews get score reaches 100%. Yet less in valuation factors host of others.

G Data AntiVirus 2013
Antivirus this one may be a bit foreign to consumers in Indonesia. But this gets secor antivirus protection that is 100% high enough. but less in the evaluation host of others.

BullGuard Antivirus 12
Antivirus is still too foreign munking ear homeland users. but it could also be taken into consideration. BullGuard get 83% protection score.

AVG Antivirus 2014
For old players in the world of computer security protection, AVG antivirus is very popular until now. But AVG protection assessment score big pocketed only 83%.

Avast! Pro 2013
Avas a few users who are not. But in terms of the protection of avast get secore namely balanced with 83% avg.

Avira Antivirus Premium 2014
Avira same is the case with AVG old players and are very popular among computer users. Avira but unfortunately only get as big as 67% secore protection.

ESET NOD32 2013
Eset Node32 a significant number of users, Antivirus also be light enough not encumber the system. However secore perlindunganya around 58%.
So around 10 Best Antivirus 2013 toptenreviews collected from sites, the data is subject to change at any time depending antivirus updates related improvements. Yet all returned on consumer choice. What else have a crush on one of the above security products certainly more tau kelebihanya. This is just used as a standard and material considerations only.

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